Corporate Matching
DID YOU KNOW - Your Donation could be eligible for a corporate match!!
On Average 1 in 10 companies match employee donations!
By simply completing a matching-gift form from your company you may be able to double- or even triple the impact of your donation to WCES! On average WCES spends $140+ per child / per year. As a supporter of WCES PTO, you know that your contribution of any amount will help us add value to your children's education.
- How do I know if my company will match my donation?
This is something you can contact your company about directly. Many larger corporations have a corporate giving division or department. Consult your benefits guide or ask your HR rep to provide more information about company matches.
- What information do I need to provide to my company for the donation?
Many large corporations handle their charitable matching online at sites like,, Benevity or their own internal systems. In those systems you will likely need to query based on tax id number. The WCES PTO's tax id number is 26-3628266.
In addition to identifying the WCES PTO as the recipient of your donation, you will often be asked to supply:
- a) The amount of your donation and the date on which the donation was made. Note: Most systems will not allow you to request the match prior to the actual date the donation was made.
- b) The amount of your donation that you would like the company to match. Some companies have maximum matching amounts per employee per time period, so you may want to split that among multiple organizations.
- c) The contact information for the PTO for the 2023-2024 school year, and that would be:
Caitlin Campelo
VP Fundraising
Wilson Creek Elementary PTO
6115 Wilson Road
Johns Creek, GA 30097